Proof Reading

Proofing is usually done at two stages before the book is set for printing. One after editing and again after the book has been typeset. In the rare instance of receiving a typescript in a typed or laser printed form, there is an initial stage of proofing after doing an OCR conversion of the hard copy.

Koti Infotech ensures that your work is free of grammatical errors and spelling mistakes and that it puts your ideas across effectively and clearly in perfect English.

Our professional proofreading of your work will give you more confidence in the work you submit or publish. We can help you put your ideas across clearly and effectively in perfect English by removing errors of grammar and spelling before you submit your essay, dissertation or thesis for examination, or your book or paper for publication.

Our team is one of the best in the business. Their eyes are so sharp that authors, peer reviewers, copyeditors and the entire chain in e-publishing can relax - confident that the final proof read copy is of the highest standards and error-free.

Koti Infotech believes in continuous interaction with authors and publishers pro-actively to ensure the content serves the intended use. They take care of font style, italicization, correct usage of symbols and much more in math, and science-heavy text and equations.

To contact Koti Infotech regarding any queries about our Proof Reading process, email us at

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